Efficient practice plans don’t just happen. Making an efficient practice plan takes work. This is an actual practice plan in volleyball from Coach 10L. Notice how many erasures there are! I always write them in pencil so I can erase and make changes as I make the plan. Once you get the hang of making a great practice plan you will be amazed of how well your practice runs. Listed below are some key ideas that you need to remember when making your practice plan.
- The first thing to remember is to make very minute count in your practice. We always write out the specific times on the plan.
- Start on time and END on time!
- Name your drills so everyone recognizes the drill and will be able to get into it as quickly as possible.
- Keep most of your drills to 10 minutes or less.
- Drills can be as short as 2 minutes long, they don’t all have to be the same amount of time.
- Make the transition from one drill to the next in the least amount of time possible.
- Probably one of the easiest ways to make your practice more efficient is to keep all your lines short.
- Stay INTENSE!! Keep up the spirit! Cheer your team on in practice.
- Keep the demos and instructions short.
- Utilize your assistant coaches and managers. (or parents if you are coaching a youth team and don’t have assistants)
- Use coaching cues to reinforce what you have taught.
- Make a written out practice plan with the time for each drill.
- Stick to your practice plan.
- Make groups so the players know where to go and which line to be in.
- Organize your practices so the drills transition easily.
- Think about the equipment needed for each drill and have everything ready before practice.
- Figure out ways to keep as many players as possible involved. Try to eliminate the standing around. Players learn by DOING NOT WATCHING
- Plan drills that will go from intense to easier back to intense so the players don’t get too tired to really push on each drill. For instance in volleyball if you do a hitting drill then do a passing drill. You can do several of the same type drills in a row but not too many.
- Kids listen for about 15 seconds. Remember that when giving instruction.
- Don’t do exactly the same thing everyday. Variety is the spice of life!
- Do include your most important drills daily or nearly every day.
- Make a list of all your drills so you can read through them to see if you are missing drills you have forgotten about.
- Keep your practice plans and look back at them.
- Stay positive and upbeat!